RNS: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has donated Rs 51 lakh to the Chief Ministers Relief Fund in Bihar, after floods ravaged more than a dozen districts of the state. The cheque of the aforementioned amount, along with a letter addressed to Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, was on Wednesday handed over to Deputy CM Sushil Kumar Modi by the Bachchans representative Vijay Nath Mishra in Patna.
In the letter, Bachchan who has this year been chosen for the Dada Saheb Phalke Award – wrote “I am deeply stricken by the natural calamity that has hit the state of Bihar. My deepest condolences and sympathies to all whose lives have been affected in the recent flood”.
“Albeit in a small way, I extend my helping hand in the restoration of human life in Bihar”, Bachchan added in the type-written note in English to which he added a footnote in Hindi “we have publicized the contribution made to CM Relief Fund, Bihar in our TV show KBC.”