Nirupama Kumari gets National Teacher’s Award

Bokaro: Amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, Teachers’ Day was observed with great dedication through the virtual platform across the district on Saturday. Prominent educationist Nirupama Kumari, teacher of Ramrudra +2 High School, Chas Bokaro was felicitated with National Teacher’s Award-2020 by the Ministry of Education.

This award has been given to Nirupama Kumari in recognition of valuable services to the community as a teacher of outstanding merit by the Department of School Education and Literacy, informed an official.

Besides Nirupama, around 31 teachers across the district were selected to felicitate for their outstanding contribution in the field of education, informed Neelam Ilene Toppo DEO.

Meanwhile, both teachers and students hosted various programmes online across the district on this eve; however, they have missed the physical presence of each other on this occasion.

To commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr S. Radhakrishnan and to remember his contribution in the field of education, DPS Bokaro, celebrated the day with zeal and enthusiasm.

The auspicious ceremony started with the lighting of the lamp followed by garlanding of the portrait of the great philosopher and academician Dr S. Radhakrishnan by DPS Bokaro, Principal, A. S. Gangwar.

The celebration witnessed a mesmerizing musical rendition dedicated to ‘Gurus’ by the music teachers followed by an enthralling dance performance on ‘Guru Vandana’ by the dance teachers of the school.  On this occasion, the students also dedicated a video titled ‘Gratitude to our Guide and Philosopher: DPS Bokaro’ expressing their gratitude to their teachers.

Addressing the teachers, A. S. Gangwar, Principal, DPS Bokaro said that no technology could replace teachers because a teacher not just imparts knowledge but transmits knowledge with character. He conveyed his best wishes to the school teachers whose vision and modern educational ideals enable every Dipsite to unfold the innovative powers and empower them to face the future.

“Teachers are the motivational impetus as it is they who shape the young generation. They enable young minds to discover their inner talents, sharpen their critical thinking and awaken their genius,” remarked Gangwar.

In her message through virtual platform Dr Hemlata S Mohan, Chief Mentor, DPS Chas said, “Teachers nourish and prepare students for their future as they are the real icons of knowledge and wisdom. They create awareness among the students and common people. They are the source of light in a world full of ignorance of different kinds.”

Our teachers are the real pillars of our success. A Teacher’s determination and sincerity shapes the destiny of the nation. Expressing her heartfelt gratitude to her mother as a first teacher in life. Dr. Mohan thanked all her teachers. She highlighted the features of the National Education Policy (NEP) and expressed her confidence in NEP in providing joyful learning experiences to students and thus laying the foundation of a resilient and progressive society.

The Officiating Principal P Shailaja Jayakumar appreciated the diligence and the efforts of the teachers in this unprecedented time. She conveyed her overwhelming regards for the task which each teacher selflessly does to carve the crude stone into a structure of magnificence.


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