Bokaro: In view of the September month which is to be celebrated as National Nutrition Month across India, the National Human Rights and Crime Control Commission (Team-Bokaro) distributed oatmeal, varieties, sprouts – gram, jaggery, soybeans, sanitary pads and masks among the women and children of Gada Basa Basti at Sector 8 in Bokaro Steel City.
The proposed of celebrating the Rashtriya Poshan Maah is to take the message of nutrition to every nook and corner of the country. Under the National Nutrition Month run by the Prime Minister the organisation is conducting campaigns aiming to improve the nutritional level among women and children, informed Pintu Ram District President of the organization.
During the campaign the members of the organization also briefed about the balanced diet and nutritious values of grains and green vegetables, especially to pregnant women and children.
“Earlier we have also conducted car sanitation work, mask distribution, food distribution, plantation including other social activities,” he added.
Speaking on the occasion Ram appealed to all the activists of the organization to conduct intensive campaigns during nutrition month to identify children and pregnant women and inform them about malnutrition.
Rashtriya Poshan Abhiyaan aims to ensure holistic development and adequate nutrition for the children in the Age group 0-6 years, pregnant women and Lactating mothers and Adolescent girls. Malnutrition effect on all sections of the society both poor and fluent families due to lack of awareness and its objectives are to achieve improvement in the nutritional status of the targeted groups. The month-long campaign will culminate on September 30, he added.
Besides other Vice President of Bokaro Jayaprakash Prasad, Sunita Jaiswal, Krishna Devi, Anju Kumari, Tarun Kumar, Dhananjay Kumar, Ravi Srivastava, Deepak Kumar, Kundan Bharti were also played a vital role in organizing the program.
National President of the organization Rajesh Ratan has congratulated all the members of the organization for the successful conduction of the program.