World is looking towards India for a cost-effective, efficient COVID-19 vaccine

RNS: India will have a coronavirus vaccine in the next few weeks. Indian scientists are optimistic that in the next few weeks they will come up with a vaccine against the COVID-19 threat, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday.

Addressing to the all-party meeting today PM said that eight potential vaccine candidates in the country are undergoing separate phases of trials.

Prime Minister said that the world is looking towards India for a cost-efficient and effective vaccine against the pandemic. “The country will shortly provide a viable alternative for mass vaccination through the collaborative efforts of the scientific fraternity,” he added.

The vaccination programme in the country will commence after a nod from the research scientists. India has a robust network for such massive vaccination programmes and appropriate cold storage facilities are also being added for proper storage and supply of the vaccines, said PM.

PM said, the health care workers and frontline corona warriors will be the ones who will be administered the vaccine first. The detailed priority list for the vaccination programme will be prepared with the assistance of the State and Union Territory governments.

The pricing of the vaccine will be decided only after due consultation with the state governments keeping public healthcare as the topmost priority, said Modi.

He urged everyone to continue their participation (Jan-bhagidari) as the country is on the verge to undertake one of the most extensive vaccination programmes. He asked authorities to sensitize people about the vaccination programme by giving right information as he said, rumour-mongering becomes rampant whenever such exercises are undertaken on a massive scale.

He also urged everyone not to shun the time tested cautionary measures of maintaining a safe distance and cleaning hands until the vaccination drive is complete.


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