Capacity Building Programme starts at DPS Bokaro

RNS: The two-day Capacity Building Programme on ‘Experiential Learning’ started at DPS Bokaro on Saturday.

The programme will aid teachers in equipping students with practical knowledge beyond textbooks. The programme organized by CBSE, COE Patna, is in line with the New Education Policy 2020. The workshop aims to educate teachers from various schools in Bokaro District.

Resource Persons Saoli Dutta, Principal, Bal Bharti Public School, Aurangabad (Bihar) and Premlata Kumari, HOD (English), VVPS, Ranchi School emphasized the need for experiential learning.

The activity-oriented participation and interactive session were indeed a novel experience for the teachers. The resource persons provided several tips for capacity building among teachers in this context. The workshop will conclude with an activity evaluation and feedback session on Sunday.

Speaking about the workshop, Dr A. S. Gangwar, Principal, DPS Bokaro said that hands-on experiences and reflection help students connect better with the theories and knowledge learnt in the classroom. DPS Bokaro provides its students with opportunities for experiential learning by taking them to different places to explore the real world outside the world of the classroom.

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