Jharkhand Soon to Get Vedic Schools

#Vedic schools set to be established in three cities of Ranchi, Deoghar, and Dumka in first phase

#Rs 5L Health Insurance for temple priests

Ranchi: In a significant move aimed at preserving and propagating the essence of Sanatan Dharma, the Jharkhand State Hindu Religious Board has announced the establishment of Vedic schools in the state.

The decision was reached during a recent board meeting chaired by Jaishankar Pathak and attended by board members, including Rakesh Sinha.

Sinha, a board member, highlighted the absence of Vedic schools in Jharkhand and emphasized the need to impart knowledge about Sanatan Dharma, worship, and rituals to the youth. He stated, “In today’s era, it is necessary to spread the knowledge and propagation of Sanatan Dharma among the youth.”

The initiative will kick off in the first phase, with Vedic schools set to be established in the key cities of Ranchi, Deoghar, and Dumka. Each school will have the capacity to accommodate 100 students. The curriculum will focus on Vedic and ritualistic studies, and the board will award students who complete the course certificates.

According to the notification issued on Friday, the Vedic school will be affiliated to a government university. The educational committee will decide with which institution the Vedic school should be affiliated.

An important development announced during the meeting was health insurance approval for priests serving in registered temples across Jharkhand. The board has allocated Rs 5 lakh in health insurance coverage for all registered temple priests, ensuring their well-being and medical treatment.

A four-member committee has been formed to oversee the curriculum and program development for the Vedic schools. Pradeep Kumar Choubey will lead the committee, with Vidyadhar Jha, Abhay Chandra Jha, Mukesh Kumar, and Dr Moti Ram Mishra as members.

This committee has been tasked with submitting a comprehensive report to the board by November 30, 2023. Additionally, the committee will select the government university with which the Vedic schools will be affiliated.

The board is also considering the cost implications of appointing teachers and running residential and non-residential Vedic schools. The process and administrative aspects will be studied to ensure the smooth operation of these educational institutions.

This initiative marks a significant step towards preserving and promoting the rich cultural heritage and traditions of Sanatan Dharma in the state of Jharkhand. The board’s commitment to the welfare of temple priests through health insurance demonstrates their dedication to religious and social causes.

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