ISRO starts preparing for flight test Vehicle Abort Mission 1(TV-D1) for Gaganyaan mission

Bengaluru: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has officially embarked on preparations for the critical Vehicle Abort Mission 1 (TV-D1) in anticipation of the forthcoming Gaganyaan mission.

Gaganyaan is the India’s median human space mission. Senior officials from the ISRO said that, this crucial abort capability will help astronomers understand whether the mission can be safely aborted in case something goes wrong.

In a recent social media (on X) update, ISRO announced that the unmanned flight tests for the Gaganyaan mission are set to commence in the near future.

The Gaganyaan mission, which aims to send Indian astronauts into outer space, represents a monumental stride in India’s space exploration endeavours. The success of TV-D1 holds the key to realizing this ambitious dream, marking the culmination of extensive research and development efforts.

One of the pivotal aspects of TV-D1 is the rigorous testing of the Crew Escape System, a cornerstone of the Gaganyaan mission’s safety protocol. This system is integral to the safety of astronauts during both unmanned and manned missions into the cosmos, and it paves the way for India’s foray into outer space by 2024.

The designated testing ground for this crucial mission is the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, a renowned spaceport on the Indian subcontinent. The mission involves launching a crew module into the vast expanse of outer space, followed by its safe return to Earth and recovery in the Bay of Bengal.

Indian Navy personnel have been diligently preparing for mock operations to ensure the seamless recovery of the crew module, an essential aspect of mission success. The outcome of this test will serve as a pivotal milestone, setting the stage for the inaugural unmanned Gaganyaan mission and, eventually, the historic manned mission into low Earth orbit.

The crew module, accommodating three astronauts, will be placed in a circular orbit approximately 400 kilometers above Earth’s surface, where it will orbit for a duration of three days and bring them back safely to earth, by landing in Indian sea waters.

The preparation for this monumental mission extends beyond technology and infrastructure; four carefully selected astronauts are currently undergoing intensive training at the Astronaut Training Facility in Bengaluru, ensuring that they are fully equipped to handle the challenges of space exploration.

The heavy-lift launcher, HLVM3 rocket, is slated for use in the Gaganyaan mission, underscoring ISRO’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of India’s space exploration capabilities.

As ISRO’s preparations for the Gaganyaan mission gain momentum, India eagerly anticipates its entrance into the League of Nations with the capacity for manned spaceflight, a testament to the nation’s unwavering dedication to scientific and technological advancement.

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