Bokaro Kalakar Sangh gets new executive committee

by Arun Pathak

Bokaro: The Bokaro Kalakar Sangh held a meeting at SS Vatika Chira Chas on Wednesday evening, where future programs were discussed and a new executive committee was elected unanimously.

Jagdish Babla has been appointed as the president, with Ranju Singh as vice president. Manbodh Mishra will serve as the secretary, and Ashok Babla has been named deputy secretary. Arun Kumar is the new treasurer, and Mrityunjay Bhattacharyaji deputy treasurer. Arun Kumar Pathak has been designated as media in-charge, while Shashi Kant Sharma will manage electronic media.

Working committee members include Bidhan Dutta, Ashok Babla, Shashikant Sharma, Kanhaiya Verma, Mrityunjay Bhattacharyaji, Rajesh Kumar, Rajesh Chaudhary, Shankar Prasad, Sanjeev Singh, Kasturi Sinha, and Manoj Upadhyay (Suman ji).

President Jagdish Babla stated that the association aims to increase membership and foster unity among artists to elevate the organization. Secretary Manbodh Mishra emphasized the association’s commitment to safeguarding artists’ interests and enhancing Bokaro’s cultural reputation through various activities.

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