Karachi Ranked Second Riskiest City for Tourists Globally, Forbes Adviser Report Reveals

RNS: In a recent report, by Forbes Adviser, Karachi has been identified as the second most dangerous city in the world for tourists.

The Pakistani city ranked behind Venezuela’s Caracas which is on the top of the list of riskiest city for travellers.

Myanmar’s Yangon ranked third on the list.

The Forbes Adviser study assessed 60 cities worldwide, evaluating seven major risk factors: crime, personal safety, health, infrastructure, natural disasters, and digital security. Karachi received a safety score of 93.12, underscoring its elevated risk profile. Contributing factors to this high-risk status include political instability, high crime rates, and deficiencies in health and infrastructure services.

Tourists visiting Karachi face notable threats from street crime and terrorism, posing significant challenges for those traveling to the city.

Other cities flagged for their risks to tourists include Lagos, Dhaka, Bogota, Cairo, Mexico City, and Quito. Conversely, the report highlights Singapore, Tokyo, and Toronto as the safest destinations for travelers.

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