by Suman Rastogi
Chief HR Manager, CMPDI
In the whirlwind of everyday life, women often find themselves lost in a sea of responsibilities. From managing a career to tending to family, from nurturing relationships to running a household, there is always something demanding their time and energy. In the process, they often forget one crucial thing—themselves.
In this everyday frenzy, a visit to a salon or spa may seem like a small indulgence, but it is, in reality, a simple yet meaningful way to recharge. It is not about vanity; it is about stepping away from the constant rush and allowing oneself to relax and feel refreshed. There is a quiet joy in moments of self-care, a deep sense of peace in taking time to nurture oneself. It is about taking a small break to bring back that inner glow and shine!
I am writing from my own experience recently. The moment I stepped inside the spa, I brought along more than just myself—I carried the weight of the week, the long list of things left undone, and perhaps even the guilt of taking time out. At first, it felt unnatural to sit still, to do nothing. My mind reminded me of all the work pending, at home and office. But then, as I sank into the chair and let someone else take charge for once, I started to feel the shift. My hair, usually brushed in a hurry, is gently untangled and given the attention it deserves. The tired hands that have done everything from chopping vegetables to typing away at a laptop are softened and pampered. Even my nails, long ignored, finally get their moment of glory.
As warm, fragrant oils are worked into my scalp, a sigh escaped my lips—was that me? Did I just relax? The soothing aroma of lavender and citrus fills the air, and I catch myself thinking, Why don’t I do this more often? A cooling eye mask settles over my tired eyes, blocking out the world for a while, and for once, I didn’t mind. The gentle massage across my temples melts away the last of my resistance. The steam rises around me, cocooning me in comfort, whispering that it’s okay to let go—at least for an hour. Slowly, I stop planning, stop worrying, and surrender myself to the rarest of luxuries: being looked after!
Taking care of oneself is not frivolous or a waste of money—it is an investment in one’s well-being. Just like we refill a lamp with oil to keep it burning, we too need moments to refuel our energy. It is not just about looking good; it’s about feeling good from the inside out. It’s a reminder that we, too, deserve time for ourselves. Beyond appearances, it’s about feeling light, happy, and more confident. Physically and mentally.
So go for it, girls—book that appointment, sink into that chair, and let yourself be pampered. Why? Because you are worth it. And because sometimes, the best thing you can do for everyone else—is take care of yourself first!!