RNS: Kunal Anand (Class VIII) and Swapnil Snigdh (Class X) have topped in National Level of Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) 2023 – a national programme for educating and popularising science jointly organized by Vijnana Bharati (VIBHA) and Vigyan Prasar. The event was held at IISER Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
The winners have been awarded a Cash Prize, a National Camp Memento, a Merit Certificate and an Internship in Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai. Kunal has been awarded with Rupees 3000, and Swapnil Snigdh has been awarded Rupees 2000.
VVM is a national programme to identify keen knowledge seekers in science and then nurture them for a higher level of science education. VVM examination includes Written Tests, Observational Analysis of Video Clips, Situation Problem Solving and Hands-on Activities.
Dr. A. S. Gangwar, Principal, DPS Bokaro, expressed his happiness and said that such competitions cultivate scientific habits in students and develop their capability to engage in scientific inquiry.