CSIR-NML, Railway Authority Conducts Cleaning & Plantation Drive at Tatanagar Station

Jamshedpur: CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML) in Jamshedpur, in collaboration with the Railway Authority, conducted a significant cleanliness and plantation drive at Tatanagar Railway Station as part of the “Swachhta Hi Seva 2024” campaign.

A dedicated team participated in the initiative under the leadership of Dr. Sandip Ghosh Chowdhury, Director of CSIR-NML, Abhishek Singhal, Area Manager of Tatanagar, and Dr. Sarmistha Sagar, Chief Scientist at CSIR-NML.

The team included Dr. S. Sivaprasad, Dr. Raghuvir Singh, Dr. B. Ravi Kumar, Dr. Manoj Kr Humane, and several others, who joined forces with railway staff to enhance the station’s cleanliness.

The event featured the planting of ten trees in designated areas around the station. Additionally, Dr. Chowdhury presented two pots of plants to Singhal as a symbolic gesture for the initiative.

During the program, the “Safai Mitras” of the Railway Authority were also recognized for their contributions to cleanliness.

Since the launch of the Swachhta Hi Seva 2024 campaign on September 17, CSIR-NML has actively engaged in various awareness activities, including a lecture on the “Role of Swachhta on Hygiene” delivered by Dr. Priyanka Singh, Medical Officer at CSIR-NML, for the Safai Karmachari on September 25. Furthermore, a quiz competition focused on cleanliness was organized by Dr. Prem Kumar and his team at the NML-Kerala Public School on September 27.

The campaign will culminate with a closing ceremony on October 1, where 60 “Safari Mitras” will be honoured for their outstanding efforts in promoting cleanliness.

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